
Elevated command prompt windows 10
Elevated command prompt windows 10

elevated command prompt windows 10

That opens a non-admin Command Prompt session in the selected location.

  • In a File Explorer window, hold down Shift as you right-click on a folder or drive.
  • elevated command prompt windows 10

    That opens a non-admin Command Prompt session in the current folder.

  • From File Explorer, click in the address bar to select its contents then type cmd and press Enter.
  • To open the session as an administrator, press Alt+Shift+Enter.
  • Type cmd in the search box, then press Enter to open the highlighted Command Prompt shortcut.
  • You can also use keyboard shortcuts for this route: Windows key + X, followed by C (non-admin) or A (admin).
  • Right-click Start and choose Command Prompt or Command Prompt (Admin) from the Quick Link menu.
  • Right-click to the Command Prompt and then click on the “ Run as administrator“. First, open the Start Menu and type “ cmd” or “ ms-dos” and you will see the Command Prompt. The Administrator privilege can be provided by running these commands under the Administrator account or opening an elevated MS-DOS as Administrator. Some commands require Administrator privileges in order to run properly. In this tutorial, we will learn how to open MS-DOS (cmd.exe) or PowerShell with elevated privileges. But if the current user is an Administrator user or has Administrator privileges the started command-line interface will have elevated privileges. By default, the command line interface is opened with the currently active user privileges which is generally a regular user. The elevated command line can run Administrator commands easily.

    elevated command prompt windows 10

    The “ elevated command line“, “ elevated command prompt“, “ elevated cmd” or “ elevated mod” is used to describe a command-line interface which can be MS-DOS or PowerShell that has the Administrator privileges.

    Elevated command prompt windows 10